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Honoring God


Building Relationships


Engaging the Community


In-Person and Online Services and programming!
Building is open for Community gatherings with COVID precautions



Welcome Home...







This world is hard, and sometimes it is difficult to find your place. At Faith, we understand that there is a significant difference between creating a HOME, and merely "allocating space". A HOME is where everyone is valued, wanted, and able to contribute. A HOME is not about the building that those gather in, but is defined by the hearts of those that make up the HOME. This means that HOME is not located in a building, but in the Body of Christ!



We worship a Living God, a risen Savior, and choose to abide in the Spirit of God!


The Lord that made a HOME for everyone. Regardless of race, nationality, social status, ability or alternate ability. Regardless of social rejection, marginalization, poverty, addiction, past mistakes, illness, abuse, or lack of education. Regardless of economic success, career advancement, or retirement fund. You see, we are all made EQUAL in the blood of Jesus Christ. And being the HOME of Jesus Christ, everyone whom needs shelter from the pain of this world has a HOME with us. You and the people you love matter to us because you and the people you love matter to Jesus. 


Perhaps you have traveled this world, or are an expert on Omaha, and have struggled to find a place to call HOME. Sadly, even many churches struggle with merely allocating space for many that experience rejection in this world. We would be honored to be your HOME. For a day, a month, a year, or a life time.


We are a gathering of imperfect people, intentionally walking together, towards a perfect Savior. We grieve together, laugh together, experience life together, and celebrate together. We are a family that have forged a HOME from the hardships of this world in the shelter of Jesus Christ.


We focus on building relationships and impacting the community for one single purpose: for every person that feels invisible, ignored, forgotten, and/or marginalized to know that Jesus died for you too, God made you in his image, and there is always an open-invitation to stop by or reach out no questions asked. 


If the HOME is the people, who is Faith Christian? 

Faith Christian Church
2201 S. 132nd Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68144


Sunday Morning Worship:
10:00 am
Sunday School:
11: 15 am

Lead Pastor:

Rev. Dr. Lisa Renee Sherman

 Office Hours
Monday 10am-3pm
Tuesday 10am-3pm
Wednesday 12pm-5pm
Thursday 10am-3pm
Friday 10am-3pm



Opportunities to Engage...

FUN (Family Unity Nights) Wednesdays at 6pm

             ~movies, games, and service projects (varies each                            week)


Faithfull Hands 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month

                 **Crochet and Knitting Group


Monday Morning Bible Study at 9am 


Quilter Group~ meets the last Monday of the month following Monday morning Bible Study


There is no problem or situation too big or too small for our God! Jesus states in Matthew 18:20; "For where two or more are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them". 


Pastor Lisa and Faith Christian Church would be honored to partner with you in prayer regarding both the big and small things in your life!


It is our prayer that God, the Creator of life and love, will bless the beginning of your married life as you, your family, and friends gather to worship and witness the vows which you will make with one another.


To inquire about premarital counseling, availability, and a detailed list of wedding guidelines, please feel free to call the church office or click the tab below:






Drippings of Grace Ministries

A ministry that focuses on Disability for the goal of inclusion, support, resources, education, advocacy and consulting within all areas of  community & church life!

© 2022 Faith Christian Church


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